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President Mbumba urges eligible voters to register before deadline


President Nangolo Mbumba has called on eligible voters to utilise the remaining days to register.

This call was amplified by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology for eligible voters to be able to exercise their civic duties come November 27th.

So far, 71% of eligible voters have registered. 

Deputy Minister of ICT Modestus Amutse delivered the ministry's statement.

Eligible voters turning 18 after deadline cannot register


Eligible voters who turn 18 years old after the voter registration period will not be able to register due to there being no provision for such in the Electoral Act.

The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) put this into context after President Mbumba relayed the concerns of the public during a meeting at State House.

The ECN also clarified that it is bound by law to carry out subsequent activities after general voter registration has ended.

As a result, there cannot be any extension.

#NAMBIAVOTES2024 | ECN aims to register 1.7 million voters


The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) aims to register more than 1.7 million eligible voters during its upcoming General Registration of Voters exercise, starting next week.

With less than 200 days left before the national elections on November 27, Namibia's electoral management body says it is on track with the activities of the electoral calendar.

The general registration of voters (GRV) is around the corner and will be running for 52 days, from the 3rd of June until the first of August.

Okaku by-election voters turnout a disappointment


By 5 p.m. today, about 2,700 people had cast their votes at 15 polling stations in Okaku.

The morning saw a good number of voters pass through, which slowed down later throughout the day at most polling stations.

The elderly dominated the numbers at most polling stations.

The ECN had hoped to reach a target of more than 6,000 voters. But that remains a matter of "wait and see." 

The counting should start tonight, but it is not yet clear if the results will be ready to be announced before the morning.