Improvement in number of key health professionals is satisfying 


Ohangwena Health Director John Hango expressed satisfaction with the increase in the number of key health professionals, mainly doctors, dentists, and pharmacists.

Hango says Okongo and Eenhana district hospitals, which were previously managed by only one doctor, now have sizeable numbers of doctors.

Swapo Party gets new members


88 people from Okangwati in the Kunene Region have joined the ruling Swapo Party.

Receiving the members, Vice President Nangolo Mbumba says the party is open to everyone, where their dreams and aspirations will be fully realised.

Disasters don't discriminate - Kuugongelwa-Amadhila


Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila says disasters, whether natural or human-induced, know no boundaries, nor do they discriminate based on social, economic, or geographic factors.

Namibians urged to cooperate with drought relief programme officers


Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila has called on all citizens to cooperate with the drought relief programme implementing officers to ensure that the objectives of the programme are achieved.

The vulnerability assessment and analysis indicate that 695,000 people are in need of relief assistance.

Swapo Party VP urges Namibians to avoid tribalism


The SWAPO Party Vice President says Namibians can only unite if they avoid tribalism and regionalism, which derail development and negatively affect people at the grass-roots level. Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah made these remarks at the party's rally at Outapi.

Renowned Musician Nakale buried


Renowned musician Sadrag Theofilus Nakale was buried in his home village of Ekoka in the Ohangwena Region. The late Nakale was part of the Sadrag, Mesag, and Abednego triplets.

Ambassador Hishongwa's memorial service


Mourners gathered at Onekwaya West in the Ohangwena Village for the memorial of the late Ambassador Hadino Hishongwa.

Mourners described Hishongwa as a philanthropist and a man who immensely contributed to the freedom and independence of Namibia.

Ogongo elders happy with new toilets


A pensioner from Olunkavu Village in the Omusati Region is grateful to the government for building a pit latrine at her homestead.