Professor Matengu says palliative care is important and valuable


The University of Namibia's Vice Chancellor, Professor Kenneth Matengu, said palliative care is an important and valuable aspect of healthcare.

Professor Matengu emphasised this at the signing of two Memoranda of Understanding with the Hope Home-Based Healthcare Service and Dr. Jeketera-Khumalo Surgery.

Namibia's development rooted in the agricultural sector


The development of Namibia is deeply rooted in the agricultural sector.

90% of land is suitable for livestock farming and a large proportion of the country's rural population depends on this activity for food security.

252 students graduates from UNAM


252 students graduated from the School of Education at the University of Namibia (UNAM) in Windhoek.

The graduates received diplomas and degrees in lifelong learning, community education, educational management and leadership, and junior primary education.

Lack of male role models contribute to boys underperforming in education


The Vice Chancellor of the University of Namibia Professor Kenneth Matengu pointed out that a lack of male role models is one of the contributing factors to boys underperforming in education.

Professor Matengu was speaking at the Rundu Campus graduation ceremony.

Over 90 Namibians received scholarships to study green hydrogen related courses


Over 90 Namibian students received scholarships to study various related courses in the green hydrogen industry, availed through grant funding from Germany.

Sixty awardees will undertake Master's Degree courses, while 30 will undertake their studies at the local Vocational Training Centres.