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UNESCO to launch safer campuses campaign against GBV at universities


UNESCO will launch a Safer Campuses campaign aimed at creating awareness about gender-based violence (GBV) at universities. 

The campaign will use various elements and channels to encourage students to break the silence and take action against GBV. 

This will be done through pledges, activations, dialogues, debates, and the sharing of survivor stories. 

Rising number of GBV cases a thorn in the flesh - Shikongo


4815 cases of gender-based violence have been registered with the police between April 2023 and January 2024.

The statistics were released by the Chief of Police, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, who said that the figures paint a grim picture and that that requires an urgent change of attitude in society.

Inspector General Joseph Shikongo further revealed that GBV cases have become the order of the day, particularly in some regions.

Journalists urged to be human rights defenders


Gender-based violence and femicide, as well as sexual reproduction and health rights, continue to grip the attention of the nation as they impact the lives of individuals and communities in Namibia.

For this reason, the One Economy Foundation held a summit for media practitioners to sensitise and create awareness about ethical reporting relating to this matter.

The summit aimed to provide media professionals with the knowledge, skills, and ethical framework necessary to effectively report on and raise awareness about critical issues related to GBV-F and SRHR.

Social workers want safe house set up for GBV victims in Kavango West


Social workers in the Kavango West Region are calling for the provision of a safe house for victims of gender-based violence.

This was their call to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on gender equality, social development, and family affairs, which visited the region.

Since the separation of the Kavango Region into East and West, the west remains largely dependent on the east for many private and public services.

Resources needed to fight GBV in Zambezi


Officials from the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare and organisations dealing with gender-based violence in the Zambezi Region agree that a lack of infrastructure, equipment, and human resources are some challenges that need immediate attention.

The roleplayers presented these challenges to the parliamentary standing committee on gender equality, social development, and family matters at their engagement on gender-based violence and femicide in Katima Mulilo on Monday morning.

Groot |Aub residents encouraged to speak out against GBV 


The Namibian Police urged the residents of Groot |Aub to break their silence about the increasing number of gender-based violence (GBV) cases at the settlement.

The |Khomas Regional Police commander, Commissioner Willem Steenkamp, made the call at a community meeting at Groot-Aub.

He encouraged the community to report bars that are failing to comply with the set laws of the liquor act and are not closing on time.

He also warns shebeen owners to stick to their operating times.

Geingob Calls On Men To Be on Forefront of Fight Against GBV


President Hage Geingob has called on men to come to the forefront in the fight against gender-based violence (GBV) as the world marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

Dr. Geingob says the aim should be to create a society where every woman and girl can live with dignity, equality, and security.

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women aims to create awareness about the fact that violence against women is a human rights violation.

Fighting GBV through ART


An artist in the heart of Tsumeb's Nomtsoub settlement in the Oshikoto Region has digitalized his hand-graphic comic artworks to raise awareness about gender-based violence and abuse of social grants.

It is the wish of Mcartney Khoeseb to spread his message widely, but he is limited by funding.

The 54-year-old Khoeseb, who too is a beneficiary of disability grants, published a 23-page booklet on social grant abuse, a situation that he said defeats government efforts to improve the living standards of the affected population.

Mbunza Traditional Authority leaders attend GBV workshop


Traditional leaders from the Mbunza Traditional Authority gathered for a one-day workshop on gender-based violence (GBV) at Kapako in Kavango West.

The workshop looked at how certain cultures and traditions fuel GBV while finding solutions on how to end harmful practices.

Various speakers at the event highlighted how certain cultures and traditions may perpetuate GBV.