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Five million Euros earmarked to skill and upskill Namibian youth for green hydrogen projects


The Director General of the National Planning Commission and Chairperson of the Green Hydrogen Council, Obeth Kandjoze, detailed how Namibia spent the €40 million Germany provided last year for the development of the green hydrogen industry in the country.

Speaking at the Green Hydrogen Symposium in Windhoek, Kandjoze said that €5 million was set aside for skilling and upskilling Namibian youth and €30 million for green hydrogen projects.

Otjiwarongo referral hospital still in pipeline


The Chairperson of the Otjozondjupa Regional Council, Marlene Mbakera, has called for the construction of a referral hospital in Otjiwarongo. 
Mbakera was speaking during the National Planning Commission's visit to the Otjozondjupa Region.

Mbakera says Otjiwarongo has never been without good plans, but rather, its challenge lies in the execution of such plans. 

She spoke with regards to a referral hospital planned for Otjiwarongo, which has been featured in the expenditure framework for the past seven years now. 

Otjozondupa Region communities demand action on unemployment and infrastructure


Communities in the Otjozondupa Region cited unemployment, a lack of infrastructure, and bulk services as areas that need urgent attention.

The inhabitants revealed this to the officials of the National Planning Commission (NPC) during their visit to the region.

To finalise the 6th National Development Plan, the NPC is conducting consultations in the region for their input and to understand the challenges they face.

Parliamentary Committee raises concerns over the misuse of funds for capital projects


The Chairperson of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs, Cletius Karondo, says that funds allocated to some capital projects are not used for the intended projects.

Karondo made the remarks at Katima Mulilo, where the Committee assessed the existing planned capital projects and those under construction.

Karondo says that after getting clear pictures of the progress on the ground, the National Assembly will be able to advise the responsible ministries and agencies on what should be done moving forward.

NDP5 extended for 2 more years


The Fifth National Development Plan (NDP5) has been extended for another two years.

The Director General of the National Planning Commission (NPC) Obeth Kandjoze made the announcement at a media briefing in Windhoek. 

NDP5 is a five-year development framework document, launched in 2017 and originally expected to end in 2022. 

The document's formulation was widely consulted on, and it sets targets for a range of industries, towards transforming Namibia's economy.

Execution of NDP5 has now been extended for two more years, as resolved by the Cabinet. 

NPC's Obeth Kandjoze confirms Dr Amupanda's allegations on HYPHEN negotiations with government


The National Planning Commission's Director General, Obeth Kandjoze, has confirmed to nbc News that the allegations made public by AR Activist Dr Job Amupanda about the terms being negotiated by the government with a German company, HYPHEN, which won the Hydrogen Tender, are true.

But Kandjoze was also quick to point out that those terms are still drafts and negotiations are at an infant stage.