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#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | Swapo Party launches campaign tools


The Swapo Party launched its key election campaign tools in Windhoek on Monday.

The election campaign tools are the party website, party profile, presidential candidate profile, Namibia Today newspaper, and Swapo Party election broadcast tools.

Each campaign tool highlights the party's history, prominence, governance, and why the Swapo Party is a good fit for winning the upcoming elections.

They also remind the people of the mistake they made in the last elections.

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance urges youth to vote


As young people continue to turn up at the voters' registration points in small numbers, the Secretary General of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) reminded the youth that registering to vote is the only chance they have to choose leaders they want and have their voice heard.

Dr. Kevin Casas-Zamora said this when he visited various registration points in the capital.

CDV Describes Deregistering by ECN as Premature


In reaction to the Electoral Commission of Namibia's (ECN) decision to deregister the Christian Democratic Voice (CDV) and the Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF), CDV leader Gotthardt Kandume labelled the move as unjust and premature.

Kandume explained that there was an agreement with the ECN regarding the submission of financial reports. He stated that the CDV had communicated to the ECN that they would submit their financial report on June 30. This arrangement was accepted by the ECN; however, the Commission deregistered the parties before the agreed-upon date.

Namibian Electoral Commission Deregisters NEFF and CDV


The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has deregistered two political parties and asked that the National Assembly withdraw MPs from those parties with immediate effect.

The ECN deregistered the two parties for allegedly not complying with provisions of the Electoral Act of 2014 as they relate to the submission of financial statements.

The two parties are the Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) and the Christian Democratic Voice (CDV).

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | UNGA President calls Namibians to vote


The President of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) encouraged Namibians to go out in numbers, exercise their constitutional rights, and register to vote in the November elections.

Dennis Francis said this during his departure at Hosea Kutako International Airport after his three-day visit to Namibia, where he held various developmental engagements.

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | SPWC urged to mobilise masses to register


The Swapo Party Women Council (SPWC) held its second annual committee meeting in the Kunene Region, where its secretary, Fransina Kahungu, urged the members to unite and ensure that members from different communities register to vote. 

Kahungu encouraged fellow women to assist the community in obtaining the right documentation that will enable them to vote in November.

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | NDP voters registration campaign


The National Democratic Party's President, Martin Lukato, says his party is ready to address challenges affecting Namibians if given the mandate in the November elections.

Lukato was speaking at the launch of the party's voter registration campaign in Gobabis. 

The NDP President urged Namibians to go out in great numbers to register for the upcoming elections, stressing that their votes will shape the form and character of the country's democracy and development. 

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | Rosh Pinah residents urged to register


Swapo Party Politburo member Verna Sinimbo has urged eligible voters to register for the upcoming national and presidential elections. 

She made the call while addressing Swapo party members at Rosh Pinah in the ||Kharas Region. 

Sinimbo stressed the need for the party's supporters to unite in support of the party's presidential candidate, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, and the party's noble objectives. 

She described Nandi-Ndaitwah as a knowledgeable, tested, and trusted cadre of the party. 

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | ECN official happy with GRV process in Kunene Region


General registration of voters (GRV) has started smoothly in the Kunene Region, with no technical problems experienced unlike in other constituencies.

Since June 3, more than 5000 eligible voters have registered to participate in the upcoming presidential and national assembly elections in November.

Mike Nganjone, the regional electoral officer in the Kunene Region, stated that everything has been going well since the beginning of the voter registration in his region, and no major challenges have been encountered.

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | Smooth GRV process at Berseba, Soutput


Despite the low turnout of eligible voters to register for the November general elections, the process is steady at the Berseba and Soutput semi-fixed registration points in Berseba Constituency.

Team leaders Gilbert Frederick and Morris Coleman revealed this in an interview with the nbc News team.

Berseba registration point team leader Gilbert Frederick says 100 eligible voters have registered since the general registration of voters (GRV) started on Monday.