The story of Late Hompa Kandjimi-Hauwanga, who is considered a remarkable figure from the VaKwangali community, unfolded as Member of Parliament Hamunyera Hambyuka passionately moved a motion demanding recognition of his significant role and called for the repatriation of his remains and those of other Namibians from Germany.
"He fought against the enemy of Namibia and Africa as a whole. His death also marked the fall of the Ukwangali empire, and his warriors were known for conquering other kingdoms in Kavango and southern Angola."
He said the late Hompa Kandjimi-Hauwanga was a beacon of bravery and leadership and was revered by his community.
Kandjimi-Hauwanga fearlessly fought to defend his community's territory, alongside esteemed figures such as King Mandume yaNdemufayo of Ovakwanyama,
"It was the combined forces of King Mandume yaNdemufayo and Hompa Kandjimi Hauwanga that gave the colonial Portuguese a tough time at the battle of Oihole in southern Angola."
According to the mover of the motion, the late Hompa Kandjimi-Hauwanga's unwavering resistance against colonial forces earned him immense respect and admiration from his community.
"It moved me also when the honourable member mentioned the skull spotted somewhere in German and those who spotted it related to the late Hompa Kadjimi-Hauwanga. So I believe every Namibian would feel that it is an important task to investigate further. Especially to establish the identity of this skull, if it exists, and where it was spotted," said Swapo Party MP Modestus Amutse.
The motion echoed the collective sentiment of recognising and honouring the late Hompa as a national hero, a courageous soul whose contributions were instrumental in shaping Namibia's history.
Dr. Kletus Likuwa, a historian and researcher from UNAM, also welcomed the motion.
"I think it's a very good motion, and it's strongly welcomed. Kandjimi-Hauwanga is a historical figure who deserves national recognition considering, for example, the contribution he made, especially within the context of the history of colonial resistance in Namibia."