Adjustments to Human-Wildlife Conflict Self-Reliance Scheme compensation came into effect this month.

The compensation plan aims to provide greater financial support to individuals affected by human-wildlife conflict. 

In his ministerial address in the National Assembly, the Minister of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta, attributed the rising conflicts between humans and wildlife to increased populations of people and wildlife, agricultural expansion, and the effects of climate change.

This has resulted in competition for resources between people and wildlife.

Owing to the frequency of conflict incidents, the Human-Wildlife Conflict Self-Reliance Scheme was revised in 2018 to offer financial compensation for losses suffered due to wildlife, including livestock and crop damages, injuries, and loss of lives of people.

The revision of payment follows the National Conference on Human-Wildlife Conflict Management consultations held last year and subsequent approval by the Cabinet.

"We believe that the increment of the Self Reliance Scheme will effectively support communities, individuals, and farmers in coping with the impact of wildlife on their livelihoods," said Pohamba.

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Serafia Nadunya