Kavango East Governor recalls challenging times


The Kavango East Region has experienced a number of unfortunate incidents that have resulted in the loss of lives. Its Governor, Bonifatius Wakudumo, highlighted some of those in his State of the Region Address.

It was an incident that shocked not only the region but also the entire country.

Innovative ways needed to address human-wildlife conflict


There is a need to develop innovative ways to address the issues of human-wildlife conflict (HWC).

These were the sentiments of Zambezi Region Governor, Alufea Sampofu, during an interview with nbc News at the National Human-Wildlife Conflict.

MPs discuss human-wildlife conflict


In a recent session of the National Council, several Members of Parliament expressed their concern over the increasing incidents of wildlife attacks in the country. 

Over 30 people die in human-wildlife conflict


The Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta has revealed that a total of 33 people have died as a result of the human-wildlife conflict from 2019 to date.