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Namibia condemns Germany's support of Israel's carnage in Gaza


Namibia has condemned Germany for supporting Israel in its genocidal acts in Gaza.

Germany expressed its support for the attacks on Friday, as Israel was defending itself against South Africa's case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), accusing it of genocide and calling for the ICJ to stop the Jewish State from continuing its war in Gaza.

South Africa told the court in The Hague that Israel is busy with the destruction of infrastructure in Gaza and of the Palestinian people.

Israel blames Hamas for war on Gaza


Israel has shifted the entire blame for its alleged genocidal acts in Gaza on Hamas during its submissions to the International Criminal Court in The Hague today.

South Africa has reported Israel to the International Court of Justice to stop its war in Gaza against the Palestinian people, who have been killed and uprooted from their homes.

It claims that it is not committing any act of genocide in Gaza, saying it is only protecting the lives of its people and the Palestinians against atrocities committed by Hamas.

SA concludes argument in genocide case against Israel


South Africa concluded its arguments before the International Court of Justice in the case it brought to the court to stop Israel from destroying Gaza and the Palestinian people.

They argued that Israel, through its ongoing 56 years of occupation of Palestinian territory and 16 years of blockade of Gaza, is now hell bent on erasing Gaza to the ground.

The SA team is led by top legal minds in the country, assisted by legal experts from other jurisdictions.

The legal team argued that Israeli leaders' statements are intended to destroy Gaza and its people.

Voting commences in the DRC


Over 40 million registered voters in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) took to the polls today in the country's presidential, legislative, and provincial elections.

The day started off well, with the SADC Electoral Observer Mission (SEOM) expressing satisfaction with the process.

The mission is expected to issue its preliminary findings on Friday, December 22.

Incumbent President Felix Tshisekedi, who is seeking a second and final term, also cast his vote at St. George's College in Kinshasa.

Harness Natural resources, explore self reliance - Hage Geingob


President Hage Geingob has called on countries more susceptible to the effects of climate change to harness their natural resources and explore self-reliance rather than just be recipients of aid.

Dr. Geingob was reacting to the launch of the new Loss and Damage Fund to compensate vulnerable countries and help them deal with the irreversible impacts of climate disasters.

The Namibian leader cited the country's example of developing green hydrogen using its own renewable resources and called for investments in adaptive technology and infrastructure.

Namibia considers funding gaps for Climate change


Namibia has called for the identification of gaps in financial support required since the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015.

President Hage Geingob says such a stock-taking exercise should also identify the financial support provided so far.

Dr. Geingob delivered the country's national statement during the World Climate Action Summit and high-level segment of COP 28, underway in Dubai.

Namibia's estimated cost for implementing its Nationally Determined Contributions is US$15 billion by 2030.

Namibia ready to participate in COP 28


Namibia is ready to fully participate in the UN Climate Change Conference, COP 28, which is set to start in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

The Namibian Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) has lined up a series of engagements on the sidelines of the meeting.

nbc's Blanche Goreses spoke to NIPDB's Executive Director of Investments and New Ventures, Francois Van Schalkwyk, at the Namibian Pavilion.

UNESCO programmes' success lies in member-state synergies


Namibia has emphasised the pivotal role of collaboration to enhance the impact of collective endeavours.

Delivering Namibia's statement at the 42nd session of UNESCO's General Conference in Paris, the Minister of Higher Education, Technology, and Innovation, Dr. Itah Kandjii-Murangi, pointed out that the success of the world body's initiatives hinges upon close collaboration and synergy among member states.

Dr. Kandjii-Murangi welcomed the Director General's 2018–2021 report on UNESCO's activities, detailing UNESCO's remarkable achievements and invaluable contributions.

Former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari buried


The former President of Finland and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Martti Ahtisaari, was buried at the Hietaniemi Cemetery at the Lutheran Cathedral in Helsinki on Friday.

The Namibian delegation led by President Hage Geingob, First Lady Monica Geingos, Speaker of the National Assembly Prof. Peter Katjavivi, and Director-General of the National Planning Commission, Obeth Kandjoze, were among the mourners.