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The Information and Communication Technology Minister, Dr Peya Mushelenga, has urged reporters of the national broadcaster to also focus their coverage in rural areas.

Dr. Mushelenga made the call when he visited the Otjiwarongo nbc Regional Contribution Center after he opened the communication officers training workshop in the town.

Dr. Mushelenga said there is a constant need for rural development and current affairs to be featured on the daily news platforms of the national broadcaster.

Otjozondjupa has two contribution centers located at Otjiwarongo and Tsumkwe.

"In most cases, sometimes because of resource limitations but sometimes not necessary because of limitations, we tend to concentrate in urban centers and leave out events that take place in rural areas that are equally important to be reported for the public to be informed. So this is something that we should really guard against to ensure that all important events, irrespective of where they are taking place, receive equal coverage."

Mushelenga also cautioned nbc journalists to adhere to proper timekeeping of events and news coverage.

On his part, Regional Center manager Tuamana Kandji stressed the need for MICT information officers and nbc journalists to strengthen working ties.

"I think the in-house writing for the nbc and MICT is really there, or somehow we catch up on each other, so it's easy, like she rightly said. I know they are used to writing for PR and we are purely writing for news, and as to what has gotten out there from our chief and heads of department, I was very clear that indeed somewhere somehow we need to find each other so that if they send you a script, you will not do a lot of work to still want to rewrite the entire script but at least finetune one or two things to help each other because we are one."

This is the first visit by the ICT minister to the Otjiwarongo regional office, and he was accompanied by the Executive Director, Dr. Audrin Mathe.

The meeting was also attended by nbc senior managers.



Faith Sankwasa