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The second session of the 3rd Junior National Council (JNC) saw heated debates on the role of young people in nation-building, productivity, employment creation, corruption, and crime.

Kick-starting the debate was Simeon Kamhulu from the Omusati Region, who was quick to point out barriers leading to the failure of nation-building, especially by the youth. He stated that the youth are lazy and do not partake in matters that would develop the country or create employment, considering that they are the future leaders.Some pointed to issues of social ills such as alcohol and drug abuse, violations of laws, and a lack of mental health assistance and facilities.

The Deputy Minister of Sport, Youth, and National Service, Emma Kantema-Gaomas, addressed the session, highlighting the ministry's national youth policy. Its pillars include education and training, health and well-being, employment opportunities, and civic and political participation.The four-day session also deliberated on how Namibia can use the ongoing discovery of mineral resources to advance industrialization and economic development.

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