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Namibia has introduced the National Coordination Mechanism on Decent Work in the fisheries sector.

The mechanism is a body that will ensure that there is social and labour compliance in the fishing industry.

Namibia ratified the International Labour Organisation's Work in Fishing Convention 188, which requires member states to set up a coordination mechanism to implement it.

The mechanism has 17 members from the government, labour unions, and employers.

It is a new platform to discuss and find solutions that address old and emerging challenges as the country works towards achieving decent work in the sector.

The Labour, Industrial Relations, and Employment Creation Minister, Utoni Nujoma, says although the sector is crucial to the economy, it is tarnished by problems.

"It is for this reason that the Government of the Republic of Namibia has once again shown its commitment to addressing key issues that affect operations in the fishing sector. When workers are treated fairly, paid a decent wage, and provided with safe working conditions and environments, they are more productive, profitable, and contribute more effectively to economic growth."

Nujoma added that members of the mechanism were part of the Sustainable Supply Chains to Build Better project, which received support from the European Union.

The project, he says, has achieved, among other things, the certification of labour inspectors on vessels and standardised employment contracts for the sector.

The ILO representative congratulated and encouraged the mechanism members to work hard, as their success will ensure that Namibia becomes an even more attractive business partner globally.

Photo Credits
Namfi Namibia