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The Directorate of Education Arts and Culture in the ||Kharas Region awarded the best-performing teachers, learners, and schools with certificates after the recently released performance statistics by the Directorate of National Examinations.

This year, the Directorate of National Examinations. released a list of about five hundred best-performing learners countrywide, while the ||Kharas region was ranked third overall in the grade 11 AS level examination. 

||Kharas Governor Aletha Fredericks officiated at the event.

"In today's rapidly evolving world, new industries such as immersing green hydrogen and ammonia in oil and gas are on the rise alongside our traditional backbone economic sectors like mining, fisheries, agriculture, and tourism, which are offering exciting career opportunities for our youth. These industries not only provide employment but also pave the way for innovation and sustainable development. Therefore, remember that your success today paves the way for a better tomorrow, not just for yourselves but for our entire community.'

Shahida Engelbrecht of PK De Villiers Secondary School was awarded the best Grade 11/NSSCO learner in the region. 

She shared some of the secrets of her achievements. "I think it is very important for learners to study at the beginning and avoid procrastinating because at the end of the day, it will have consequences, and at the end, the work will build up, and you will be stressed out once the exams approach, so I think studying from the beginning really does help." 

At the award ceremony, ||Kharas Education Director Jasmine Magerman commended the teaching staff for their continued dedication towards education, describing them as the guiding lights behind the remarkable achievements of the learners.

"Let me not forget the guiding lights behind these remarkable achievements of our learners, namely our teachers. Your passion for education, your guidance, and your unwavering support have played a pivotal role in shaping the minds and futures of these outstanding individuals here today. Your dedication extends far beyond the classroom, and your influences leave an embedded mark on our learners."

Oranjemund-based English teacher Catherine Hamann of !Garibams Secondary School received the award for the best-performing subject teacher in the region.

Frieda Rhode and Seth Tiboth of P.K. De Villiers SS were also awarded at the event.

The award ceremony was attended by stakeholders in the education sector, including learners, parents, and guardians.

Photo Credits
Garibams Secondary School


Natangwe Jimmy