To address water challenges faced by the people of the Kavango East Region, NamWater handed over the Kayengona and Shamvhura water supply river schemes to the residents of Rundu Rural and Ndiyona Constituencies yesterday.

The schemes, which cost over N$5 million and started last year, were completed in July this year.

The initiative aims to resolve persistant water shortages faced by the communities of Kayengona and Shamvhura. 

Villagers previously relied on boreholes, but due to the exponential population growth, it resulted in high water demand. 

NamWater spent over N$2.4 million on the Kayengona filtration plant and N$2.7 million for the Shamvhura filtration plant. 

"Our projects are more than just infrastructure; they are investments in the future of Namibia. By enhancing water supply infrastructure, we are laying the groundwork for improved public health, increased agriculture productivity, and overall economic growth, particularly in rural regions like Kavango East. The commissioning of the Kayengona and Shamvhura water supply river scheme is a testament to what we can achieve through strategic planning, collaboration, and shared commitment to our countries future," said NamWater CEO Abraham Nehemia.

The projects will allow the inhabitants to have running water at their houses, which will help reduce long distance walks. 

In July this year, NamWater commissioned the Rundu water treatment plant at a cost of N$665 million.

Speaking on behalf of Governor Bonifatius Wakudumo, the Councillor of Ndiyona Laurentius Mukoya appreciated NamWater for implementing such projects.

"It is encouraging to see NamWater's commitment to improve service delivery, which increases customer satisfaction. However we must also recognize the significant costs associated with infrastructure development, construction and water treatment. Therefore we should not only appreciate the service provided by NamWater but also individually contribute by paying for the water services provided to us."

Mukoya further advised the beneficiaries to guard the infrastructure against vandalism.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Elizabeth Mwengo