President Nangolo Mbumba has called on Swapo Party members and supporters to go out in large numbers and vote for its presidential candidate, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, on November 27th.

Dr. Mbumba says under Nandi-Ndaitwah's leadership the party will continue to consolidate the gains it has made thus far and maintain peace, stability, and prosperity.

President Mbumba, who made the call at a Swapo Party rally at Endola in the Ohangwena Region, said Swapo is the only party with a track record of success.

He said if voted to power once again, the party intends, among others, to allocate N$500 million per annum to the National Youth Fund to empower the youth to embark on various enterprises.

It will also enforce consumption of locally produced products, especially in government institutions.

Swapo also promised to improve teachers' benefits to attract skilled personnel to peri-urban and rural areas.

"Today, I appeal to you not to make the mistake to vote for those parties and leaders who are promising manna from heaven. They will never bring you any heaven nor any paradise. How can they give you what they don't have? Rather, vote for the Swapo Party you know, you trust, and which your forefathers and foremothers established many years ago to free us from the scourge of apartheid colonialism."

The defunct national airline will also be revised to avoid pitfalls of the past as well as increase the orphans and vulnerable children coverage, old age pensions, disability, and veterans grants.

The Swapo Party also promised to develop and implement the targeted basic income grant to care for the most vulnerable members of society who do not qualify for the current social grants.

The national minimum wage policy will also be reviewed to ensure fair compensation and decent wages.

Another focus is to reduce gender-based violence and increase protection of women and girls by strengthening GBV awareness and prevention campaigns.

"It is an embarrassment to have us, men, targeting our women, sisters, our mothers, and our wives, beating them up, and sometimes we even use dangerous weapons against them."

Furthermore, 10,000 plots will be serviced annually for the construction of low- and medium-cost houses by strengthening social housing institutions.

"Vote our vice president and leader, comrade Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, as our first female president of Namibia. She is the best leader and choice to continue the Swapo leadership legacy and improve our lives. She is trusted, she is tried, and she is tested. She is ready and prepared to work hard."


Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Tonateni Haimbodi