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Erongo Regional Council has reiterated its commitment to service delivery.

Its Chairperson Benitha Imbamba said they have rated the best regional council in terms of customer service charter development and implementation by the office of the Prime Minister.

Imbamba said this during the region's annual opening meeting at Swakopmund.

Erongo scooped first place among the regional councils and third place in the overall government agencies ratings.

Imbamba says although they were plagued by financial and human resources challenges, the region's technocrats are never deterred in service delivery.

During August 2022, the regional councilors undertook a retreat to brainstorm on projects and draw up a road map for regional development, especially in their respective constituencies.

"Re-strategies priority projects within the community in consultation with the Erongo Regional Council Management and to create awareness on the activities of the regional council in order to solicit collaboration with the business community, especially the mining and fishing sector."

Also speaking at the event was Erongo Regional Governor Neville Andre who called on councillors to redouble their efforts, plan properly and implement government programmes.

"Our people need housing, our people need water, our people need adequate infrastructure development and economic upliftment projects in the rural areas, our people need support in equipment to undertake their projects, our children need adequate recreational and sporting facilities, whether they are in Okombahe, Tubusis, Spitzkoppe, Ovihitua, Ozondati, Uis, Otjohorongo, Okamapuku, Omatjete, Otjimbingwe or Utuseb, our people need proper support and excellent customer services from public servants."

Andre warned that gone are the days when councilors only go to the offices when it's month-end.

Photo Credits
Governor of Erongo Region


Stefan Uirab