

Miss Namibia 2024 receives prizes


The Miss Namibia 2024 pageant has reached new heights, with an array of prizes unveiled by the Miss Namibia Organisation.

UNAM law students give back to community


Law students from the University of Namibia (UNAM) have embarked on a transformative journey to support a soup kitchen in Windhoek's Hakahana Residential Area, where they donated essentials.

President Mbumba satisfied with SADC Summit outcome


President Nangolo Mbumba has expressed satisfaction with the high level of attendance and participation at the 44th Ordinary SADC Summit, noting that the presence of so many leaders reflects their commitment to addressing challenges and seizing new opportunities for the region's growth and development.

Robyn Nakaambo's Basadi in Award celebrated by nbc


The nbc's slogan "It's Ours" truly resonated today as Basadi in Music Award winner Robyn Nakaambo embraced this slogan during the appreciation ceremony hosted in her honour following her award win in South Africa. 

Namibia Primary School receives new dining hall


Namibia Primary School in Central Katutura inaugurated its new dining hall, equipped with a fully furnished kitchen, thanks to N$5 million in funding from the |Khomas Regional Council.

|Khomas Governor McLeod-Katjirua delivers 9th SORA


|Khomas Governor, Laura McLeod-Katjirua, has delivered her 9th State of the Region Address, in which she highlighted significant accomplishments and strategic plans designed to enhance lives and deliver efficient and effective services to |Khomas residents.

DRC declares August 2 as the National Day of Commemoration


The Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) President, Félix Tshisekedi, has declared August 2 as the National Day of Commemoration, marking 30 years since the onset of the Congolese human and economic genocide, referred to as "genocost."