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Sanet Bombas makes waves in wine industry


A woman who hails from humble beginnings in the small town of  Khorixas is making waves in the wine industry.

Sanet Bombas recently launched a range of wines called Bombas.

The Sanet Bombas journey is one laced with passion, perseverance, and pride.

Bombas initially carved out her career as a beautician in the coastal town of Swakopmund. 

However, her ambitions soon led her to pursue a dream that would honour her family's legacy and traditions. 

Bridghead Group Holdings declares dividend payout


Bridgehead Group Holdings has declared a dividend payout of N$500,000 to its shareholder, the National Youth Council of Namibia. 

The Board of Directors of Bridgehead made the announcement during a ceremony held at the NYC's Head Office in Windhoek.

The dividend stems from Bridgehead's equity interest in the Uukumwe Youth Empowerment Consortium, an entity operating within the fishing sector. 

Uukumwe's effective ventures contributed to this generous distribution of funds, illustrating the benefits of strategic investments and corporate governance.

DIAMAN donates to the Windhoek Mental Health Unit 


The Diamond Manufacturers' Association of Namibia (DIAMAN) has donated furniture, sanitary items, chairs, medical equipment, and mattresses to the Windhoek Mental Health Unit to improve the environment and well-being of patients there.

The company will also launch a second phase of renovations to the unit.

DIAMAN further plans to renovate the acute patients room, the reception area at Ward C, repair the ablution facilities, and other related plumbing works, as well as the revamp of the Forensic Ward.

Low turn-out at registration points a concern


With two weeks already passed in the voter registration period and only seven weeks remaining until the final deadline, concerns are growing about the low turnout on weekends at registration points in Katutura's East and Central constituencies.

NBC reporter Johanna !Uri≠Khos visited the registration points, where she observed fewer than a hundred registrations recorded in each constituency on Saturday morning.

In an effort to encourage residents, ECN officials are urging people to register to vote and emphasizing the importance of participating in the democratic process.

Ministry of Works tests energy cost-saving measures


The Ministry of Works and Transport has started a pilot project to implement solar energy carports, aimed at reducing energy costs and promoting sustainability. 

The project is expected to save the ministry a substantial amount of money on electricity expenses and serve as a model for future energy-efficient endeavours across various government ministries.

The solar energy carport project, which cost the Ministry more than half a million dollars, involves the installation of 32 solar panels on carports to harness the Namibian sunshine. 

Qatar donates food aid towards drought relief


In response to the state of emergency declared due to drought by President Nangolo Mbumba, the government of Qatar has donated a substantial amount of supplies. The aid, valued at N$1.3 billion, aims to assist the communities affected by the severe drought conditions. 

The Qatari shipment includes 3,000 boxes of food, each packed with essential items meant to provide immediate relief to families in need.

The supplies include rice, cooking oil, cans of tuna fish, and canned meat. 

Khomasdal Constituency postpones Delimitation and Demarcation Commission


A preliminary meeting for the Delimitation and Demarcation Commission scheduled for Khomasdal residents on Sunday at the Khomasdal Constituency Hall did not take place due to the councillors' absence and lack of quorum.

The meeting was postponed due to the councillor's absence and the resulting lack of quorum, despite the presence of some committee members.

Fazilla Bock, acting as the spokesperson, spoke to nbc News about the significance of this meeting. 

Theo Katjimune Primary plants fruit trees on World Environment Day


World Environment Day, celebrated on the 5th of June, is dedicated to raising awareness, mobilising action, and promoting environmental sustainability. 

This annual event serves as a crucial reminder of the need to protect the planet and ensure a healthy, sustainable future for generations to come.

The FNB Legal and Credit Risk Compliance Team took a significant step towards environmental sustainability by planting 32 fruit trees at Theo Kajimune Primary School in Katutura. 

LPM rocked by resignation of senior leaders


The Landless People's Movement, or LPM, has been rocked by the resignation of two senior leaders.

The Deputy Leader of LPM, Henny Seibeb, and Operative Secretary Edson Isaak tendered resignation letters dated June 4th. 

They have also resigned as LPM Members of Parliament with immediate effect.

These shock resignations follow the announcement that the political party replaced Seibeb as LPM's Chief Whip in the National Assembly with one of its MPs, Utaara Mootu.