Inspector General of the Police, Joseph Shikongo, has expressed disappointment with the performance of law enforcement officers in the Kavango East Region.
Following a visit to the region, Shikongo addressed the underperformance and outlined improvement plans.
Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo says, that despite Kavango East being the second-largest region, there is enough manpower for effective policing.
He pointed out police visibility as a key to combating crime.
Shikongo held a meeting with police leadership and members of the force to see to it that police performance in the region is brought to standard.
The police chief also joined the police patrol.
"That's why I put them together, the junior members and senior members; they were all together because I wanted to give directives, and I think that as a result of that meeting, it has actually emanated into this kind of operation, and it is a clear testimony that we can do more with the little resource that we have."
Operation "Boots on the Ground" was launched for the weekend, raiding liquor outlets and community engagements.
The community raised concerns about cellphone grabbing and attacks perpetrated by boys between the ages of 14 and 17.
Late responses from the police on emergencies with the excuse of lack of transportation were also raised.
The region received four new vehicles for better policing.
Youth ambassadors under the Kavango East Governor's Office also formed part of the operations.