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Late Dr. Hage Geingob remembered as decisive leader


Some who honour the late Dr. Hage Geingob have described the fallen statesmen as a leader who was decisive and would quickly reprimand those who stepped out of line.

Dr. Geingob, on various occasions, publicly showed disdain for corruption, and as chair of the decision-making Cabinet, he held no punches back.

His 2004 doctoral thesis is titled "Promoting Democracy and Good Governance," which reflected the strong values that he stood for when he assumed the highest office in 2015.

Fishrot accused to plea with or without legal representation


Judge Moses Chinhengo has ruled that the Fishrot accused will proceed with the plea-taking, even in the absence of Bernhardt Esau's lawyer, Florian Beukes, who is on medical leave until December 22.

Despite the defense's concerns raised by lawyer Mbanga Siyomunji that his decision could be prejudicial, Chinhengo affirmed the decision, maintaining that the plea-taking will move forward.

It was a busy day in the Windhoek High Court as one of the Fishrot accused, Sacky Shanghala, suffered another blow.

High Court to pronounce itself on Fishrot challenge


The Windhoek High Court is poised to announce its judgement today in response to a challenge by the Fishrot accused.


James Hatuikulipi, former Justice Minister Sacky Shanghala, and two of their co-accused want High Court Judge Kobus Miller removed from the bench, citing his age.


They assert that President Hage Geingob contravened Article 82 of the Namibian Constitution when he confirmed Justice Miller’s appointment.


This article dictates that acting judges must not surpass the age of 70 at the time of their appointment to the bench.