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Katima Mulilo resident Calvin Sinyepe killed by unknown assailants


A resident of Greenwell Matongo Location at Katima Mulilo Calvin Sinyepe was shot and killed on Friday by unknown assailants near his house.

The 42-year-old Sinyepe was returning home when he was shot and killed in cold blood.

Sinyepe was an employee of the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture in the Zambezi Region.

It is suspected that Sinyepe became a victim of the assailants who were busy executing a house-breaking in the same street where he lived.

Customary heir to |Khomanin traditional authority murdered


A dark cloud of grief hangs over the royal house of the |Khomanin, after the murder of the customary heir to the |Khomanin traditional throne.

Armando Gawa!nab fell victim to an armed robbery. He died after a fatal gunshot wound on Monday.

It is a sad moment for Gaos Juliane Gawa!nas and her household.

Her firstborn and heir to the chieftaincy of the |Khomanin Clan died at the hands of armed robbers at a local hotel in Windhoek.

He was an armed response security officer.

Guardians charged with murder sentenced


A 37-year-old former police officer who was convicted of murdering his two-and-a-half-year-old daughter in June 2020 has been sent to prison for 20 years.

Sydney Ikosa was also sentenced to a further six years for abuse and neglecting Joy Ikosa, now deceased, and six months for common assault of the same child.

The six years and six months of imprisonment have been ordered to run concurrently with 20 years of murder.

Sentencing of guardians charged with murder postponed


The sentencing of a former police officer charged with the murder of his daughter has been postponed to Friday after mitigation arguments were heard in the Katima Mulilo Circuit High Court in the Zambezi Region.

37-year-old Sydney Ikosa was found guilty of murder, negligence, and deliberate abuse of his daughter, as well as common assault under the Domestic Violence Act, by Judge President Petrus Damaseb at the end of last month (August).

Man appears in court for son's murder


A 28-year-old man charged with the murder of his biological son in Otavi made his first appearance before the town's magistrate court.

Thomas Muronga is accused of fatally injuring his two-year-old son, Jason Muronga.

He allegedly forcibly took the child from his 24-year-old girlfriend, who is also the baby's mother, and then proceeded to a railway line in the town. There, it is alleged, he struck the child's head against concrete poles twice.

Jason died of severe head injuries the same day at the Otjiwarongo State Hospital.

Erwin Frans guilty of murder


35-year-old Erwin Frans, charged with the murder of his 23-year-old girlfriend, Mwaaka Kopelo, in February 2021, was found guilty by the Katima Mulilo Circuit High Court.

Frans faced six counts related to the murder, which was perpetrated at the Makaravan West location.

Judge President Petrus Damaseb found Frans guilty of murder, as well as one count of attempted murder and negligent handling of a firearm, when he shot in the direction of one of the witnesses to his initial crime.

Murder suspect claims innocence


A 23-year-old resident of Makaravan West pleaded not guilty in the Katima Mulilo Circuit High Court on four charges associated with murder in the context of domestic violence.

Ibalela Musukubili is charged with the murder of his girlfriend, Beritha Doctor, in July 2019, as well as one count of obstructing and impeding the course of justice as well as assault.

Two more suspects arrested for Amwaalwa murder 


Two more men appeared in the Swakopmund Magistrate's Court on murder charges related to the death of Peter Bockky Amwaalwa.

They joined four other suspects who appeared in court on Monday on similar charges.

Joram Gariseb, 18, and Lucky Gamathan, 41, were not asked to plead after their rights to legal representation were read to them.

The 22-year-old Amwaalwa was found dead and in a pool of blood in Swakopmund's Mondesa suburb by police officers on patrol about two weeks ago.