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Six arrested for fraud at Opuwo denied bail


Six men, arrested in Rundu in connection with fraud committed at Bank Windhoek's Opuwo Branch, made a brief appearance before the Rundu Magistrate's Court today.

They were denied bail, and the case was postponed until January 25.

The six are linked to the alleged mastermind behind the large-scale fraud, Nico Rebebe, who allegedly stole N$2 million from his employer.

Traditional healer denied bail


A traditional healer suspected of murder was denied bail at the Rundu Magistrate's Court on Friday.

This decision comes in light of the deaths of two women at Kandjara Village, located in the Ndiyona Constituency of Kavango East.

The deceased women had sought treatment from the traditional healer, Andrew Haushiku Mberema, prior to their untimely demise.

45-year-old Mberema initially fled the village but later surrendered himself to the police in Ndiyona on Wednesday.

Self-proclaimed Rundu-based prophet denied bail


A self-proclaimed Rundu-based prophet, Jafet Johannes made his second appearance in the Rundu Magistrate's Court and was denied bail.  Johannes faces a case of fraud.

Jafet Johannes' arrest came after an alleged victim opened a case against him claiming that the self-proclaimed prophet created a blockchain account, inviting the victim to buy the cryptocurrency, known as Trongrace.

It is alleged that the victim invested an amount of more than N$280,000, which he expected would be paid back with interest.

Three men who appeared at Rundu Magistrate's Court for illegal timber harvesting denied bail


Three men who appeared at the Rundu Magistrate's Court for illegal timber harvesting have been denied bail.

The three, John Shininge, Paulus Leevi, and Sebastian Sitwafa, were arrested at Rundu after they were found in possession of 76 timber planks and a processing machine.

The suspects could not provide a permit permitting them to harvest timber.

The case is postponed to July 25.

Two men appear in Rundu Magistrate's Court for allegedly raping a minor


Two men, a father, and his son, appeared in the Rundu Magistrate's Court for raping their minor daughter and sister, respectively.

The duo was arrested on Sunday for allegedly raping the minor at Naingopo Village in Kavango West's Ncuncuni Constituency.

It is alleged that the 63-year-old Angolan national raped his daughter and threatened her not to report what had happened.

His 18-year-old son is also accused of committing a similar heinous crime against his 15-year-old sister.

NamPol arrests self-proclaimed prophet based in Rundu


The Namibian Police on Wednesday arrested a self-proclaimed prophet based in Rundu.

Jafet Johannes' arrest follows the opening of a fraud case against him.

Johannes' arrest comes after an alleged victim opened a case against him, claiming that Johannes created a blockchain account and invited the victim to buy the cryptocurrency, known as Trongrace.

It is alleged that the victim invested an amount of more than N$280,000, which he expected would be paid back with interest.

Suspects in Rudolf Ngondo Primary School's robbery appear in Rundu Magistrate's Court


Two men who were arrested in connection with the robbery of a teacher at Rundu's Rudolf Ngondo Primary School last week appeared in the Rundu Magistrate's Court today.

Annanias Amutenya, 27 years old, and Paulus Shaanika, 33, were arrested at a bar in the Sikanduko neighborhood on Thursday.

The getaway car was also found hidden in a yard at the Sauyema location.

NamPol's acting Regional Commander for Kavango East, Deputy Commissioner Eino Nambahu, said the silver Polo sedan is believed to have been hired from Independence Car Hire in Windhoek.

Man arrested with elephant tusks granted bail


A man arrested for allegedly being in possession of two elephant tusks at the Buffalo checkpoint in the Mukwe Constituency on Friday, made his first appearance in the Rundu Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

Lihako Sishwama, 31, appeared before magistrate Selma Shiiga, who granted him bail of N$10,000.

According to the charge sheet, Sishwama was arrested during a special police operation in the Mukwe Constituency.

He faces a charge of dealing in and being in possession of controlled wildlife products.

Augustinu Andeline Chicalu's family opposing the release of Christian Kudumo


The family of Augustinu Andeline Chicalu, allegedly murdered by her husband in Rundu's Ndama Informal Settlement, is opposing the decision of the Rundu Magistrate's Court to release him on bail.

The family argued that five months in prison is too soon, as the gruesome killing is still fresh in the family's memory.

Andeline, who was hearing impaired, was allegedly hacked to death with an axe by her partner, Christian Kudumo, who is also hearing impaired, in August last year.

Two suspects arrested over suspected borehole pump theft at Rundu


Two suspects, Willnard Haingura and Maria Lingwe Mayuko, appeared in the Rundu Magistrate's Court on charges of possession of the stolen property.

The accused were found in possession of a borehole pump suspected of having been stolen from a community water point.

Accused number one Haingura is said to be a Catholic priest in the Kavango East Region Diocese.

Haingura and his co-accused Mayuko were granted bail of N$3000 each, and their case was postponed to the third of April for further police investigation.