Kavango East needs funds to improve teaching & learning environment


The Kavango East Region needs more funds to improve the current teaching and learning environment.

The region has construction and renovations of classrooms underway, but some schools are still to benefit from the government project funds.

DRC envoy delivers letter to President Mbumba


An advisor to the Democratic Republic of the Congo's President Felix Tshisekedi, Professor Serge Tshibangu, delivered an urgent letter to President Nangolo Mbumba at Rundu during the President's visit to the Kavango East Region. 

Kavango East shines in 2023 exams


The acting Education Director in the Kavango East Region says all credit goes to the teachers and school management of the region.

Christine Shilima was responding to the region's examination results. 

23 SDF members receive houses in Divundu


In Divundu, in the Kavango East Region, 23 low-income earners formally got their homes, which were built by the Shack Dwellers Federation (SDF).

The houses were constructed at a cost of over N$955,000 on land provided for by the Divundu Village Council in 2018 through the Namibia Housing Action Group.

Criminal activities in Rundu concerning


The increasing rate of crime in the Kavango East Region, particularly in Rundu, is concerning.

The police and community members therefore met to discuss how they could tackle this problem.

Governor of Kavango East, Bonifatius Wakudumo, says he is disturbed by the increased levels of crime.

Shamundambo Village electrified


The Shamundambo Village in the Kavango East Region, which has been without electricity for the past 33 years, has finally been electrified.