

Former LPM's Deputy Leader position still vacant


The position of Deputy Leader of the Landless People's Movement (LPM) remains vacant following the resignation of Henny Seibeb last month.

At its first convention meeting, the LPM elected a new Political Action Committee. Lifaza Simataa, the party's spokesperson, informed NBC News that the committee has been tasked with filling the vacancy left by Seibeb. However, no specific time frame was given.

Communities invited to participate in fresh water fishing


During a cabinet briefing on Monday, the Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources explained that the ministry's mandate is to sustainably manage aquatic resources and promote the aquaculture sector in Namibia.

Deputy Minister Silvia Makgone made these remarks at the Government Information Centre.

The aquaculture sector consists of two subsectors: freshwater aquaculture and marine aquaculture.

MSME Day highlights vital role of small businesses


Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) play a vital role in an economy, particularly in providing necessary goods, services, and employment opportunities for citizens.

On MSME Day, Danny Meyer, Director of SMEs Compete, addressed the importance of government officials being more supportive of the SME sector.

Meyer emphasizes that these smaller businesses are crucial for job security and national wealth. However, bureaucracy and a lack of communication between government departments and ministries often hinder their operations and prevent them from thriving.

UNAM champions child research agenda


The University of Namibia (UNAM) is spearheading a Child Research Initiative and Training Conference that aims to promote evidence-based, multi-system child wellbeing approaches and establish a national research agenda on children.

UNAM and the Ministry of Gender Equality aim to highlight the importance of using the right data at the right time to improve the lives and living conditions of children in Namibia.

|Khomas residents urged to attend boundary constituency consultations


The |Khomas Regional Council is encouraging residents and all stakeholders to attend constituency consultations currently underway for input on boundary delimitation and demarcation. 

The consultations that were postponed will now be held on June 27.

The initial consultation on June 13 was postponed as some residents and stakeholders complained that they were not consulted.  

The |Khomani Community was one of them that also claimed that it was not given an opportunity to have its voice heard at the first consultation. 

NANSO to celebrate 40 years of accomplishments


The Namibia National Students Organisation (NANSO) will be celebrating its 40th anniversary on July 2.

This was announced by their spokesperson, Dorothea Nangolo, in an interview with Good Morning Namibia.

Nangolo reflected on some of their accomplishments over the last 40 years, taking pride in their ability to evolve and consistently fight for free education.

They will also be hosting the 18th National Student Congress on the same day, where they will elect new leadership.

Namibia improves score on latest Open Budget Survey


Namibia is one of the countries that has made great improvements in public participation and transparency in its budget accountability process. This was revealed at Namibia's Open Budget Survey launch in Windhoek.

This is according to the 2023 Open Budget Survey Global Findings. 

Based on the survey's open budget index score, scaled from zero to 100, Namibia obtained a 54 in transparency in terms of how the public accesses information about how the government raises and spends public resources. 

This is compared to the 42 it scored in 2021. 

Swartbooi unfazed by Seibeb & Isaak's resignations


The leader of the Landless People's Movement (LPM), Bernardus Swartbooi, says the sudden resignation of the party's deputy leader, Henny Seibeb, and the Operative Secretary, Edison Isaak, will have no impact on the party's planned election campaign.

Swartbooi says that the LPM has become stronger after the resignation of the two senior leaders.

There is drama brewing at 11 Stephenson Street in Windhoek West, the headquarters of the Landless People's Movement.

The party has been rocked by the sudden and rather shocking resignations of its co-founding members.