NWR MD robbed in Auasblick mountains


Namibia Wildlife Resorts Managing Director Matthias Ngwangwama hit a streak of bad luck during his exercise regime in the AuasBlick mountains east of the capital yesterday.

NWR calls on Namibians to clean up Fish River Canyon


The Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) management is calling on Namibians from all walks of life to sign up for what it terms the biggest cleaning-up campaign of the Fish River Canyon during the month of September. 

Lüderitz to host Miss Namibia and Miss Teen Beauty pageants


The harbour town of Lüderitz will host this year's Miss Namibia and Miss Teen Beauty pageants.

The announcement was made by nbc Director General Stanely Similo and the Chief Executive Officer of the Lüderitz Waterfront Company, Fluksman Samhuel, in Windhoek.

Travel Local campaign yields positive results


Team Namibia and other stakeholders have joined hands to promote the local tourism industry within the country for the festive season through the Travel Local campaign, which is coming to an end.

NWR clears N$93 million statutory debts


Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) has cleared all statutory debts, amounting to over N$93 million, including historical tax payments owed to the Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRa).

FNB Namibia donates customer feedback QR code scanners


Customer feedback enables businesses to evaluate and upgrade their services and product capabilities as needed to maintain and improve their competitiveness.

It's against this background that FNB Namibia has donated customer feedback QR code scanners worth N$50,000 to the Namibia Wildlife Resorts. 

NWR donates essential items to boarding schools across Namibia


Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) has donated essential items worth N$700,000 to boarding schools across the country.

According to Nelson Ashipala, Corporate Communications Manager at NWR, the schools to benefit are yet to be identified.

NWR scoops Africa Diamond Arrow Award


The Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) scooped the Africa Diamond Arrow Award for doing the most for conservation and tourism in Namibia.

The Diamond Arrow Award is the highest level of recognition that can be awarded by Professional Market Research (PMR) Africa.